DVIDS RSS Feed: American Forces Network Iraq

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lesson #1: You have to trust the people in charge.

Yesterday, we did a training exercise that involved three teams of Soldiers traveling around Rome and Floyd County scouting points for a possible assembly area. At first, I didn't think it would be effective training. I was concerned that some of the areas the Soldiers were headed to might be cut off, and that the scenario was a little too different than our actual mission to be valuable. Boy, was I wrong. The Soldiers ended up getting excellent training AND had fun doing it. This demonstrates that just because YOU don't see the big picture, it doesn't mean that someone else doesn't. So students, the next time you are in class and you don't understand why the teacher is asking you to do something, go ahead and try it anyway. You may be surprised. If it works, than you will be glad that you tried. If it doesn't, then you AND your teacher may learn something together. Either way, you have to trust the people in charge.

Check out the photo, too. Sometimes Soldiers have to eat on the go, just like the rest of us!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Coming soon... A step by step account of my journey overseas.